Update: 61st FEIBP Congress Held in Lucerne

The 61st FEIBP Congress held in Lucerne, Switzerland, wrapped up this past Saturday and our European correspondent Katharina Goldbeck-Hoerz answered a few quick questions on the success of the event. Her full report will be in the next issue of Brushware.
What was your favorite segment from the Congress?
The theme “Together We Are Stronger” weaved like a red thread through the congress. That them tied into worldwide trade, the procurement of raw materials and the manufacturing of products as well as the development of machines. The content of the working groups – as well as the lectures of the main speakers – encouraged the participants of the congress in spontaneously formed working groups to act with the following topics:
- How do we find successor young participants for the congress?
- How do we find young employees?
- How do we find company successors and secure the future of our industry?
- How do we successfully integrate generation Y and Z into our teams?
The working groups had a lot of fun and presented the results of the cooperation to the audience.
What was your favorite destination in Lucerne?
The catamaran over Lake Lucerne, the reception by the beautiful sound of the Alphorns and the gala evening in the Park Hotel Vitznau.
Was the event well-attended?
Yes, you can see in the photos below. (84 attendees according to the FEIBP website.)
Are the dates for the 2020 Congress in Prague set?
Yes. Andrew McIllroy from Perlon has already set the main details – and 62nd FEIBP Congress will be held September 23-25, 2020 in Prague and is sure to be an experience.