New Partnership: Boucherie Borghi Group and Cobem s.r.l.

The Boucherie Borghi Group is pleased to announce that a close partnership has been born thanks to the collaboration that has been ongoing for the past several years with the company CO.B.EM s.r.l., which has resulted in a partial acquisition of the Tuscan company by the Boucherie Borghi Group.

Cobem, based in Larciano, Tuscany – Italy, designs and builds machines for mop production. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Cobem is able to meet customer needs by offering a wide range of machines, from manually operated to fully automatic with high hourly productivity, paying particular attention to the components used and the quality of the finished products.

The President of Cobem, Piero Baldacci, states that “It is still important for us that our company maintains its identity, based on flexibility and absolute willingness to meet the needs of the customer, in order to continue the road taken and that has brought us to be the current Cobem.”