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US Manufacturing Remains Flat For November

German and UK Manufacturing Register Strong Improvement in November ISM® reported a U.S. Manufacturing PMI® of 46.7 percent in November

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FEIBP Board Visit to Bologna

A new press release from FEIBP President Alessandro Acquaderni provides an update on progress for the 2024 World Brush Expo

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FEIBP 2024: Invitation to Ibiza

In just 11 months, the 64th FEIBP Congress is slated to unfold October 9-12, 2024 and promises a dynamic fusion

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Video: ZMI 4.0 – ZAHORANSKY Machine Intelligence

ZAHORANSKY has unveiled a new video showcasing Version 4.0 of its acclaimed ZMI (ZAHORANSKY Machine Intelligence). ZMI 4.0 introduces a

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Workforce Services Webinar: Where Are The Manufacturing Workers?

Workforce Services Webinar Unveils Insights Into the Leaky Pipeline of Manufacturing Workforce The Ohio Manufacturers’s Association, a leading advocate for

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ZAHORANSKY’S Z.PARD MT for Fully Automated Brush Production

  Four-station twin machine ensures greater output and process reliability in the production of household and hygiene brushes High output

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NAM Bolsters Government Relations Leadership

The National Association of Manufacturers named Stef Webb as its new Managing Vice President of Government Relations. Webb joins the

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Economic Forecast: Navigating a Tricky Economic Terrain in 2024

By Phillip M. Perry High-interest rates and slower economic growth will put increasing pressure on business profits in 2024. The

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LOOKING FOR: Buyer For Our Business

FOR SALE: Paint brush distributor. For further information contact us at

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NAM Urges Passage of Tax Policies Vital to American Manufacturing

On November 1, 2023, the National Association of Manufacturers, joined by more than 1,300 associations and businesses representing manufacturers of

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