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Inflation and Supply Chain Impact on Gordon Brush


Ken Rakusin, President and CEO, Gordon Brush Mfg. Co., Inc. was interviewed by reporter Renee Ing from Spectrum News 1 on how inflation and supply chain issues are affecting brush manufacturers.

“Everything is backlogged because we are having trouble getting the material needed to make our brushes and something that used to cost $5.00, is now $15.00,” says Rakusin, “The backlog has slowed my entire business down. We used to be able to quote and deliver in a one to two-week time period, now, we can’t do that anymore, we don’t know whether it’s going to be four weeks or six weeks.”

Rakusin further went on to say, “in over 30 years of doing business, I’ve never had to encounter the uncertainty, I face now and it’s impacting my customers. I’ve had to raise prices accordingly because something’s got to give. I can’t absorb everything. I’m having to rely more on automated equipment to make our brushes because we’re also facing a labor shortage.

Learn more about Gordon Brush at

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