MGG Srl Launches North American Operation

Loris Maestrutti, Alberto Voltolina and Gianfranco Marcon

The Italian company MGG, a world leader in technologies for the production of industrial paintbrushes, has launched MGG North America Corp in September in the US. In addition to targeting the paintbrush manufacturing sector, MGG also plans to utilize the new presence in the US to develop advanced solutions for industrial automation for the North American market.

IHA Partners with Epistemix on COVID Protocols

The International Housewares Association (IHA) will partner with Epistemix for The Inspired Home Show 2022. Epistemix is a data science company that has built computational models to help government agencies, municipalities, healthcare systems and the tradeshow industry identify the risk of putting on events in specific locations and employ appropriate mitigation techniques to reduce the threat of COVID-19.

Using epidemiological, demographic, sociological and behavioral data across various subsets of the population, Epistemix is able to project, with high degrees of accuracy, the expected c-19 case occurrence in a given group of individuals gathered during a specific period of time.