FEIBP Releases New Quarterly Report

The FEIBP recently launched its first quarterly market research report covering current brushware industry trends. The report is based on survey results from 36 completed responses out of 292 European companies invited to participate.
The report shows that household brushes showed the most strength in both the home and export market for the first quarter of 2021 as compared to Q1 of 2020. Technical brushes were the weakest in the home market, while hygiene brushes were weakest in the export market.

Looking ahead, manufacturers were most optimistic about the paintbrush and roller market with 20% of respondents looking for more than 10% growth in the next quarter.
The next FEIBP quarterly report is scheduled for a June release. View the full current report here:
[real3dflipbook pdf=”https://brushwaremag.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FEIBP-SURVEY-2021-Q1-Report.pdf”]
For more information on the FEIBP, visit www.eurobrush.com.