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Tag: Wire Brushes

ZAHORANSKY’S Z.PUMA Offers Maximum Performance and Flexibility

New ZAHORANSKY machine impresses with efficiency and ergonomic design With the new Z.PUMA, ZAHORANSKY is expanding its portfolio with a

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Wire Filaments: Filament Supplier Update Part II

PART II: Wire Filament Suppliers By Bob Lawrence Ask anyone outside the brush industry what wire brushes are used for

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Wire Filaments: Brush Manufacturer Market Update Part I

PART I: Wire Brush Manufacturers By Bob Lawrence Ask anyone outside the brush industry what wire brushes are used for

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2023 Brushware September-October FEIBP Preview

Brushware’s 2023 September-October issue previews the 63rd FEIBP Congress with a complete travel guide for Belfast along with event information

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