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Video: ZMI 4.0 – ZAHORANSKY Machine Intelligence

ZAHORANSKY has unveiled a new video showcasing Version 4.0 of its acclaimed ZMI (ZAHORANSKY Machine Intelligence). ZMI 4.0 introduces a host of new features designed to enhance operational comfort and production quantities. This latest version promises an elevated user experience and improved production capabilities across various machines, including the CUBE, Z.SAILFIN, and Z.LYNX 3.

Streamlined Operation with Intuitive Touch Controls

One of the standout features of ZMI 4.0 is its revamped intuitive touch controls, with new icons and user-friendly wizards. This update simplifies the operation of machines equipped with ZMI 4.0, significantly reducing the need for extensive training. The programming interface operates on pre-defined building blocks for specific motion sequences, minimizing errors and expediting commissioning.

Learn more about ZMI 4.0 at:

ZMI 4.0: The New Generation of Smart Machine Controls

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