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62nd FEIBP Congress Confirmed for 2022

The FEIBP has confirmed the 62nd FEIBP Congress originally scheduled for 2022, will be held this fall in Prague, Czech Republic. The event will be held at the Hotel Grandior, September 21-23, 2022. A statement released by FEIBP President Andrew McIlroy and General Manager Fons Ceelaert says, “After three years, with the corona measures and travel restrictions lifted, the European brushware industry is ready for a physical congress, for the first time in the Czech Republic.”

The full program will be published soon on the Eurobrush website, but notably the event will feature keynotes on “Succession Management in Family Businesses” by Philipp Haindl, Euforie and “Sustainability” by Steve Malkin, Euforie. The congress will also include working group meetings and the Innovation Award competition.

To learn more about the FEIBP, visit

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