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Perlon Coronavirus Customer Statement

Perlon posted the following statement on March 17, 2020 from Frank Winkes and Ralf Hellinger, Vice Presidents, Sales & Marketing, Perlon Group:

Perlon produces quality filaments at five sites on three continents for its customers and operates a strategy of acting globally but producing locally while sourcing where possible from local suppliers. In times like this in which familiar delivery networks have come to a halt, this strategy is paying dividends. At the time of writing (March 17, 2020), we can report that all of our sites are operating normally and at full capacity on fulfilling customer and stock orders. There are currently no supply shortages of our raw materials nor do we foresee any in the short term. We have proactively planned and are keeping our stock levels high to enable us to optimally offset any possible temporary supply disruption of any of our suppliers.

Due to the measures decided by the governments of many countries, global deliveries are likely to slow down. Sea and air freight are particularly affected. Therefore the delivery of your goods is likely to be delayed. Our colleagues are in close contact with our hauliers to try to keep any impacts to a minimum.

Rest assured that Perlon has taken a great number of appropriate measures to best protect our employees from contamination at work. Should infection arise, clear instructions have been issued to prevent a spread of infection with the company. Emergency plans for relevant departments have been issued or will be issued imminently to enable business operations to continue.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with your regular point of contact in sales or customer service. Stay healthy!

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