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2021 Brushware May-June eMag Now Available

The 2021 May/June eMag issue of Brushware magazine is now available to all readers and is jam-packed with articles on the world of brushes, brooms, mops and paint products. Bob Lawrence profiles artisan broom maker Brian Newton in The Saga of Broomcorn Johnny as we extend our editorial coverage to explore the full range of the brush and broom culture. In addition, we’ve launched a new series with new FEIBP president Andrew McIlroy from Perlon as our first featured industry leader profile. Meg Cooper provides full coverage of the 2021 ABMA Virtual Convention with an in-depth look at the new Emerging Leaders group launch. Lisa Anderson takes a look at the advantages and disadvantages of robots in manufacturing in her supply chain column. And upfront, you’ll find all the latest news from the industry and we also take a look at the current state of the industrial brush sector with key leaders from Schaefer Brush, Gornell Brush, Precision Brush and Braun Brush.


  • The Pulse: Industrial Brushes (p. 16)
  • People or Robots? (p. 18)
    By Lisa Anderson
  • Brushware Profile: Andrew McIlroy (p. 20)
    By Kristin Summers
  • The Saga of Broomcorn Johnny (p. 24)
    By Bob Lawrence
  • ABMA Vision Takes Shape (p. 30)
    By Meg Cooper
  • Economic Dashboard (p. 39)

VIEW FULL SCREEN: Brushware 2021 May-June eMag

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