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2023 Brushware 125th Anniversary January-February Issue


Celebrate 125 years of Brushware with our January-February 2023 special anniversary issue, now available in digital format. Inside, you’ll find an interview with former publisher Norman Finegold and a profile of Eleonora Calavalle, Managing Director of Pennelli Cinghiale. We also have our annual economic forecast from Phillip M. Perry and insights from Lisa Anderson on overcoming supply chain challenges. In addition, don’t miss our comprehensive section on Q3 US import/export data and the full economic dashboard, including manufacturing PMI data and more.


14 | 125-year Anniversary: Norman Finegold
16 | Supply Chain No Longer an Excuse By Lisa Anderson
18 | Profile: Eleonora Calavalle
22 | Economic Forecast 2023 By Phillip M. Perry
26 | Third Quarter: US Import/Export Stats
39 | Economic Dashboard
46 | Brushware Marketplace


Brushware 2023 January-February eMag

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