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ABMA Announces Dave Parr Retirement Plan

ABMA President Greg Miller announced on Tuesday the retirement and recruitment strategy to replace David Parr with a new ABMA Executive Director in 2022. Miller says, “Dave Parr has been ABMA Executive Director since 2002 and had told the ABMA board at that time he would serve for 20 years, retiring in 2022. I can speak for the Board when I say we are sorry to be at the event horizon for this change; and while we are sad to see Dave go after an accomplished tenure with ABMA, we are all working to find an outstanding leader who can continue ABMA on its long and storied trajectory.”

A search committee has been formed and will officially commence on July 1, 2021. The search committee is led by Scott Enchelmaier, current ABMA Past President, and chair of the Leadership Development Committee. Anyone in the industry who would like to submit a proposal to become the next ABMA Executive Director may download the RFP here. RFPs may be sent to ABMA Headquarters by email to the attention of Scott Enchelmaier. In addition, please contact ABMA Headquarters if you know of someone to refer for consideration. The plan is to have the next leader in place by January 1, 2022, and to transition with Parr through the March convention. The 105th ABMA Annual Convention, March 2-5, 2022, will be Parr’s last as Executive Director.

Parr came to the stewardship of ABMA after having been on the ABMA Board of Directors from 1995-2001. Parr has involved with ABMA since 1981 as both an active member with National Brush Company and as an affiliate/supplier member with National Wood Products and their subsequent purchaser, Group Pare Brossel.

ABMA was founded in 1917 and has only had two management organizations. Fernley & Fernley led the association from 1917-2002, followed by Parr’s company, SilvaCor, Inc. which has led the way since 2002.

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